Sandeman The Spirit nr2 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

Sandeman The Spirit nr2 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L
Sandeman The Spirit nr2 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

445.26 Lei

La sfarsitul anilor 20, George era relativ tanar in comparatie cu majoritatea oamenilor de afaceri, dar asta a funcționat doar in avantajul lui. I-au trebuit do... -
Similar Sandeman The Spirit nr2 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

Sandeman The Craft nr4 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L
Sandeman The Craft nr4 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

445.26 Lei

Timp de multi ani, Sandeman a fost exclusiv un expeditor de vinuri, cumparand vinul de la celelalte case si quinte din Porto si exportandu-l sub propriul sau br... -
Similar Sandeman The Craft nr4 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

Sandeman The Word nr1 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L
Sandeman The Word nr1 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

445.26 Lei

Istoria bogata a fost inspiratia pentru aceasta colectie de 6 sticle, care celebreaza oamenii, viziunea si povestile lui Sandeman. In 1790, George Sandeman era ... -
Similar Sandeman The Word nr1 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

Sandeman The Journey nr3 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L
Sandeman The Journey nr3 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

445.26 Lei

Construirea Sandeman, compania si brandul in ultimii 225 de ani a fost ca si cum ai cuceri un munte doar pentru a descoperi ca din varful sau, exista intotdeaun... -
Similar Sandeman The Journey nr3 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

Sandeman The Hat&Cape nr6 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L
Sandeman The Hat&Cape nr6 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

445.26 Lei

In jurul anului 1928, afisele artistice ale artistilor francezi erau la moda in reclama. Sandeman era o companie binecunoscuta pentru ca a comandat lucrari inov... -
Similar Sandeman The Hat&Cape nr6 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

Sandeman The Pioneer nr5 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L
Sandeman The Pioneer nr5 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L

445.26 Lei

Brandurile de succes au personalitate, la fel ca oamenii de succes. Au carisma, valori, un scop, o viziune, o misiune si un produs de oferit lumii. George Sande... -
Similar Sandeman The Pioneer nr5 Vintage Porto 225th Anniversary Collection 0.75L